Item Rarities

Rarity Names & Descriptions

Common - Common item rarity is the most plentiful rarity level. Common items are annotated with the color WHITE. SUPPLY LIMIT: No

Uncommon - Uncommon items are better than common. Uncommon items are indicated by the color GREEN . SUPPLY LIMIT: No

Rare - Rare items are the first item rarity that have a supply limit. Rare items are indicated by the color BLUE. SUPPLY LIMIT: Yes

Super Rare - Super rare items are supply limited. Super rare items are indicated by the color PINK. SUPPLY LIMIT: Yes

Epic - Epic items are supply limited. Epic items are indicated by the color PURPLE. SUPPLY LIMIT: Yes

Legendary - Rare items are indicated by the color ORANGE. SUPPLY LIMIT: Yes

Grail - Artifacts are the only items that are always 1/1. Rare items are indicated by the color GOLD. SUPPLY LIMIT: Yes

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